$34.99 Month 18 Month Contract 24/7/365 Full Access
Contract Agreement
*There is a Maintenance Fee of $29.99 that will be charged to each member. The purpose of the annual Maintenance Fee is for the general upkeep of the facility. This fee will be collected on August 3rd of each year.
This is a contract between Seller and the Buyer and Member. Buyer has the financial obligation to Cynphanie Inc/LA East Fitness. Cynphanie Inc/LA East Fitness owes its obligations to the Members. Upon completion of the terms and conditions of this contract, this membership will continue until the Member or Seller cancels this agreement after giving 30 day notice. Member must come in and fill out cancellation form.
Cancellation Policy: There is a 150.00 early out fee for members that wish to cancel their contract prior to the terms being met on their contract.
Maintenance Fee: Amount $29.99 will be charged to each member. The purpose of this annual Maintenance Fee is for the general upkeep of the facility. The fee will be collected in August of each year.
Bad Draft Fee: Amount of $35.00 will be billed to your account every time your account fails to draft regardless of reason.
Default and Late Payments: Should you default on any payment obligation as called for in this agreement, the club will have the right to decide the entire remaining balance due and payable and you agree to pay allowable interest, and all costs of collection, including but not limited to collection agency fees, court costs, and attorney fees. A default occurs when any payment due under this agreement is more than ten days late. Should any monthly payment become more than ten days past due, you will be charged a late fee. An additional service will fee of $35.00 will be assessed for any check, draft, credit card, or order returned for insufficient funds or any other reason. If the Member is paying monthly dues by electronic funds transder (EFT), the clubs billing company reserves the right to draft via EFT all amounts owed by the member including any and all late fees and service fees.
Cynphanie Inc, DBA LA East Fitness does hereby agree to give the member the right to use the facility during regular hours until the expiration date as shown on contract. Membership is not transferalbe, not cancelable or refundable except as otherwise set forth herein, and this agreement is subjected to all conditions appearing herein. The member agrees to follow any and all rules and regulations established by Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness and any changes on amendments thereto. Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness reserves the right to change or cancel any class schedule, program, or club hours as necessary.
The undersigned member understands that Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness representatives have the ability to design programs only for healthy individuals who do not suffer from physical limitations, and the undersigned member represents and warrants that no Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness representatives have stated otherwise. The undersigned member further expressly agrees that any program designed for the member and all exercise shall be undertaken by the member at his/her sole risk and that Cynphanie Inc/LA East Fitness shall not be liable for any member nor any other person, for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of actions, whatsoever, arising out of or connected with the use by the member of the services or facilities at Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness of the premeisis where the same is located and the member does hereby forever release and discharge Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness from all claims, demands, injuries, damages, action or causes of actions, and from all acts of active or passive negligence on the part of such center, company, corporation, club, its servants, agents, or employees. The undersigned member understands that Cynphanie Inc/DBA LA East Fitness recommends that for modification attached hereto contains the entire agreement between the parties and there are no understandings, representations or warranties of any kind except as expressly set forth herein.
Applications completed within 24 hours!